Monday, July 7, 2014

Starting (Fluffy)

I guess i've more or less started my season's program. Feels a little wishy-washy to say it that way (since i've been jonesing for Start Day for a month or so now), but i've been oddly squeezed for time lately, and've had a serious problem fitting full workouts in. But if i don't start, i'll just keep pushing it back forever. So if i suck it up this first round, then them's the breaks, but i gotta start. I can iron things out this round, and start getting things nailed down and polished next go. There's going to be a lot of that anyhow, dialing weights in, and scrunching warmups in before hangboard seshes, etc.

On that note, i'm getting reasonably close to finishing the Moon wall. That'll help a ton with warmups, as well as Limit Bouldering and Ladders.

Starting a season off at 202lbs. That's up 3 or 4 lbs up from where i've been hanging. I'm trying not to get depressed about it--actually ate pasta (in addition to a truckload of other grainy crap) through the weekend, so it's not too surprising. And it's appropriate that i should start as a proper Clydesdale.

Definitely have plenty of room to cut some lard. Initially i'm planning to cut most of the happy carbs outta my diet. There's a li'l of that i can discard without thinking about it too hard. But i'm also planning to cut to a single brew per night. i have a feeling i pack in more calories there than i'd be willing to own. i 'spect if i can just make my diet way boring and up the exercising amperage a notch i'll lose a good stone.

Second phase of the plan is the actual "Diet". That'll start around the Power-Enduro phase; and there i'm planning to cut out all the ETOH and seriously count calories. If i can make some real progress weight-wise without starving for it, i think that'll be very motivating to starve for it come Performance time.

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