Saturday, March 17, 2018

Further into Season 8

Didn't realize I'd fallen so far behind in the logging, but i did get in HB 9 & 10, and I've gotta say i really like that program. Do believe we added some strength with that upgrade.

On 3/13/18--would'a' been a Tues--got in Campus #1. That went really well. At this gym, they have Tension rungs, and i believe i like 'em better than the Metolius. I feel like they're...i really don't know...either slightly larger, or just somehow more positive. I tried looking up a comparison, but couldn't find any quant specs. At any rate, i was sticking sequences off the bat that i never did get last season; and the last Campus sesh was 10/5/17--so a bit over 5 months ago.

M' right biceps cooperated, and by the great mercy of GOD hasn't popped on me. The campusing hurt some, but didn't seem to make it worse. Interestingly, I had the harder time leading with my left hand this go 'round. That'd be the opposite of last season when i couldn't seem to stick the hard moves leading right. And that's especially weird, 'cuz it's my right arm that's tweaking on me, so i'd expect having it as the main pulling arm would be even worse; but that seem not to be the case.

Today was the first Limit Boulder sesh, and it was a pretty good start. Did climb yesterday doing lead routes with some friends, and that was probably poor planning; but i surely still had a fine day today. Started out with the warmup bouldering ladder, and ended up sending a V6-7, which was honestly a kind of victory all by itself. Then did come up with some pretty decent limity sequences on the serious wall. That was pretty hard on my arm, and i'm feeling it now. Do believe i'm going to just have to take a couple of weeks off of anything that requires a lock-off. Anyhow, really great workout, and encouraging.

Then i went for about an hour run on the river trail. Starting to get past that point of looking for incremental objectives, and being able to just run because there's more time in the day--which is really nice. No speed work yet, but the endurance is coming back.

And it was one beautiful day. I really, really wish my tribe were here with me.

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